Hiring international students and graduates made easy
Montréal International, via its ‘I choose Montréal’ initiative, launched a new portal for recruiting international students and graduates in Greater Montréal. The portal was designed to easily match recruiters with candidates from a pool of over 50,000 talent. It’s the perfect tool for offering junior positions or internships to skilled and motivated candidates.
The perfect fit is just a click away
Are you looking for young talent with up to three years of experience? Expand your search! There are actually many international students and graduates in Greater Montréal looking to acquire some work experience in Québec during and after their studies.
If you want to reach them quickly, post your full- or part-time job offers, as well as your internship offers on the recruitment portal of our I choose Montréal site. It’s really easy and free!
Created by Montréal International, I choose Montréal is the THE point of reference for international students when it comes to studying, living, and working in Montréal, and ultimately immigrating here. With more than one million visitors every year, the platform provides you with unmatched visibility to reach the best candidates. Feel free to give it a try.
Hiring international students and graduates is a wise choice
It’s well known that Montréal attracts the best talent. And among them are more than 50,000 international students and graduates, the majority of whom are studying in STEM fields (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) and administration.
As these candidates are trained here and graduate from here, they are highly skilled and know the Québec market quite well, in addition to having an international background. Many are also proficient in several languages. By hiring them, you get to leverage their expertise while encouraging diversity within your organization.
International students and graduates are entitled to work in the country subject to certain conditions:
International students (with a study permit and registered for full-time studies)
- Up to 20 hours per week while school is in session
- Full-time during vacations and school breaks
International graduates
Once they have graduated, they can apply for a post-graduation work permit (PGWP) for up to three years, which allows them to work for any employer in Canada. Certain conditions apply.
Improving French language skills
Montréal International (I choose Montréal), Concordia University and the Chamber of Commerce of Metropolitan Montréal (Montréal Relève) have launched Nous travaillons en français, an innovative program that helps international students at Concordia University improve their French language skills to facilitate their integration into the Montréal workforce upon graduation.
Given the tight labour market and the common desire to increase the competitiveness of our businesses, this program is of great potential value. But to ensure its success, we need you!
Are you looking for interns for the summer of 2023? Participate in the program and contribute directly to the retention of these future graduates in the city while positioning your employer brand favorably.
The MI team: an asset for Greater Montréal
Mathieu Lefort, Senior Director, International Talent, and Charlotte Fulchiron on the campus of McGill University for an I choose Montréal event
Having herself crossed the Atlantic from France to pursue university studies and launch her career in Montréal, Charlotte Fulchiron understands the reality of international students and graduates in Greater Montréal.
Passionate about her work, she welcomes the opportunity to help this community make the most of their Montréal experience, and to facilitate the connection between Greater Montréal employers and this rich talent pool.
This article was originally published on September 15, 2022. It was revised on January 27, 2023.
Want to recruit through our portal?
We are ready to support you. Contact us today and tell us your requirements: recrutement.junior@mtlintl.com