Environment and Sustainable Development
Commission for Environmental Cooperation
The CEC facilitates collaboration and public participation to foster the conservation, protection and enhancement of the North American environment, increasing economic, trade and social connections that bind the founding countries of NAFTA.

Francophonie, International Development
Égides – Alliance internationale francophone pour l’égalité et les diversités
A Francophone alliance of international solidarity that promotes equality and inclusion for people who are vulnerable and discriminated against on the basis of their sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, or gender characteristics.

Data and Artificial Intelligence, Environment and Sustainable Development
Future Earth
Future Earth is a major international research platform that provides knowledge and support to accelerate the transition to a sustainable global community.

Data and Artificial Intelligence, Environment and Sustainable Development
GEO BON is a global biodiversity observation network that contributes to effective management policies for the world’s biodiversity and ecosystem services.

Environment and Sustainable Development, Youth
International Secretariat for Water
The International Secretariat for Water (ISW) is an international non-governmental organization whose mission is to facilitate the application of the four principles outlined in the Montreal Charter on Drinking Water and Sanitation.

Culture and Communications, Environment and Sustainable Development
International Social Tourism Organization – Americas
ISTO is an international non-profit organization whose mission is to promote access to leisure, holidays and tourism for all (young people, families, senior citizens and disabled people).

Data and Artificial Intelligence, Urban Issues
Mobility Data
MobilityData is a Canadian non-profit organization that works to promote the standardization of data formats in mobility with the mission of improving traveler’s information, by acting as a facilitator in the community and by developing tools and resources to improve the quality of data.

Environment and Sustainable Development, International Development
Rights and Resources Initiative
RRI’s mission is to support Indigenous Peoples’, Afro-descendant Peoples’, and local communities’ struggles against marginalization and for sustainable, self-determined development. It does so by promoting greater global commitment and action towards securing their rights to own, control, and benefit from natural resources, especially land and forests.

Francophonie, Life sciences and Health
Secrétariat International des Infirmières et Infirmiers de l’Espace Francophone
SIDIIEF (international secretariat of French-speaking nurses) is a non-profit organization with a mission to enable nurses to share their knowledge and experience with French-speaking communities, to help improve the quality of patient care and services.

Environment and Sustainable Development, Francophonie
Secrétariat International Francophone pour l’Evaluation Environnementale
SIFÉE (international French-language secretariat for environmental assessment) is a non-governmental, non-profit organization. Its primary mission is to promote environmental assessment in French-speaking communities.

Environment and Sustainable Development, Urban Issues
UN-Habitat works for a better urban future. Based in over 90 countries, UN-Habitat promotes inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable cities and communities and access to adequate housing through knowledge, policy advice, technical assistance and collaborative action.

Data and Artificial Intelligence, Education
UNESCO Institute for Statistics
The UNESCO Institute for Statistics (UIS) is the statistical branch of UNESCO. It delivers comparative data for countries at all stages of development to provide a global perspective on education, science and technology, culture and communication.

Data and Artificial Intelligence, Life sciences and Health, Sports
World Anti-Doping Agency
The mission of the World Anti-Doping Agency is to lead a collaborative global movement for doping-free sports.

Culture and Communications, Environment and Sustainable Development
World Centre of Excellence for Destinations
The CED’s mission is to guide global tourist destinations towards excellence by supporting their efforts to foster sustainable development and to offer social, economic and cultural benefits.

International Development, Life sciences and Health
ZMQ Global
This Indian organization develops technological solutions to support and empower the poorest and most marginalized communities.